版本需求:Android 因裝置而異
聯絡地址:4307 Pillsbury Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55409, USA
We provide you with a list of entertainment categories, currently including Arts, Comedy, Dance, Dining, History, Music, Nightlife, Shows, and Sports. Selecting a category opens up related lists of events, places, and people in your area.
Events list contains summary information about when, where and what and the list maybe filtered by prespecified date ranges, e.g., Today, Tomorrow, Weekend, or a custom date and are sorted by popularity. Detail information for each event is also available upon drill down and provides sub-categories of information related to overview, performers, and tickets. Each sub-category provides more data and related links to website, navigation routes, images, video, etc.
Places list contains summary information about each place, e.g., name, open/close, address, ratings, price points, etc. and maybe filtered by related sub-categories which varies by entertainment type. The places are sorted by nearest to your current location. Detail information for each place shows sub-categories of information related to overview, events, and reviews. Each sub-category provides more data and related links to website, navigation, operating hours, etc. The events listed under a place pertains to only that place.
The title bar always gives to general indication of the information you're currently looking at.
People list contains summary information about people and their areas of interests and work related data and maybe filtered by related sub-categories which varies by entertainment type and is sorted by their followers count. Detail information for each person shows sub-categories of information related to overview, events, and media. Each sub-category provides more data and related links to website, social media, promotional media, etc. The events listed under a person/group pertains to only that person and group.